The town of Živogošće is located on the Makarska Riviera, 20 km south of the city of Makarska, and consists of three adjoining villages – Porat, Mala Duba and Blato. The villages are connected to each other by beautiful beaches and a hiking trail that literally leads from one end to the other. Above the highway are the original parts of Živogošće-Murava and Strnj, which are connected to each other by the original Napoleon’s path, which is ideal for both hiking and cycling.
The settlement of Živogošće dates back to Roman times, as evidenced by the graves on the top of Suzina.
In Živogošće Porat, on the beach below the Franciscan church, there is a spring above which is the well-known epigram of Licinián from AD 474. , which consists of 16 Latin hexameters and celebrates the springs of fresh water that still spring up here.
Živogošće Blato is an ideal destination for a family holiday thanks to its beaches, over which there are mature pine trees, which ensure a pleasant coolness in the summer heat. More active families can rent a paddle boat, kayak, paddleboard, boat with which they can go to the nearby island of Hvar, or take a larger boat trip to the island of Korčula. Hiking enthusiasts will also find something to do here, thanks to the Biokovo mountain range, which towers over the town.
During the season, cultural evenings are organized in Živogošće, such as Fisherman’s Evening or concerts of local groups.
Živogošće Blato je ideální destinace pro rodinnou dovolenou díky svým plážím, nad kterými jsou vzrostlé borovice, které v letním horku zajišťují příjemný chládek. Aktivnější rodiny si mohou půjčit šlapadlo, kajak, paddlebord, lodičku, se kterou se mohou vydat na nedaleký ostrov Hvar, či si udělat výlet vetší lodí na ostrov Korčula. Milovníci turistiky si zde také přijdou na své, díky pohoří Biokovo, které se tyčí nad městečkem.
Během sezony se v Živogošće pořádají kulturní večery, jako například Rybářský večer či koncerty místních skupin.